Transformation of the agricultural industry to the future growth industry
- A traditional agriculture map for the conventional science and technology
- Future science and technology life agriculture map
- Supporting a project for vitalization of the 6th agricultural industry
- Development of the 6th Chungbuk business model
- Specialized crop research and development project, etc.
Early development of the growth base for the Chungbuk economy
- Supporting construction of growth stimulating base
- Early vitalization of growth engine bases
- Construction of SB Plaza / vitalization of the Science Belt Functional District
- Creation of a cluster connecting corporate city, high-tech industrial complex, and megapolis
- Attracting legal education centers, etc.
Reinforcing strategies to attract population in Chungbuk and improve settlement conditions
- Formation of the settlement environment that attracts a natural influx of population
- Creation of strategic settlement environments to attract an influx of population
- Strengthening the settlement supports for returning farmers and residents
- Expanding support for childcare facilities for office workers
- Projects to improve vulnerable residential areas and so on
Promoting strategic projects for balanced development for each si and gun
- Independent/individual development area
- Connected/cooperative development area
- Development of the Cheongju Deer Industry Metropolitan Cluster
- Creation of Jincheon Automobile Fuel Efficiency Center / Boeun Bio Forest Recreation Valley
- Establishment of Goesan Fisheries Food Industry Base Complex / Jeungpyeong Edu Farm
- Designation of Leading Investment District/ Regional Activation District, etc.